Monday, September 30, 2019
Review of Mobile Presence Services in Social Network Applications
REVIEW ON MOBILE PRESENCE SERVICES IN SOCIAL NETWORK APPLICATIONS Abstractionââ¬âToday broad scopes of nomadic devices are available. As the use and engineering of nomadic devices additions, societal web applications are going popular. An indispensable constituent of this societal web application is nomadic presence service, which maintains each nomadic userââ¬â¢s presence information. The presence information means the current position, GPS location of nomadic user and besides updates the userââ¬â¢s online friendââ¬â¢s information. As the update occur often, figure of message distributed by presence waiter may take to scalability job.To specify this job, scalable waiter architecture called PresenceCloud is defined.In cosmopolitan nomadic telecommunication system ( UMTS ) , the presence service is performed by IP multimedia nucleus web subsystem ( IMS ) .A weak consistent scheme is used to cut down the presentment traffic. Presentment clip means clip needed to advise the presence information to other users. This paper makes a reapprais al on work outing buddy list hunt job.The consequence shows that PresenceCloud achieves public presentation addition in the hunt cost without compromising hunt satisfaction. Keywordsââ¬âsocial web ; nomadic presence service ; presence information ;I. IntroductionMobile computer science is human-computer by which a computing machine is expected to be transported during normal use. This involved nomadic communicating, hardware etc. Chiefly nomadic calculating describes about communicating among client to server, client to other terminal user, waiter to server etc. Today as the engineering and use of cyberspace additions, societal web application/services ( illustrations are Facebook [ 1 ] , Twitter [ 2 ] , buddycloud [ 3 ] , Google latitude [ 4 ] , foursquare [ 5 ] ) go popular in worldwide. Many communications like confab, online concern, informations sharing etc can be done utilizing societal web application/services. Hence, it is inevitable that societal web services will be the following coevals of nomadic cyberspace application. Mobile presence service is one of the of import component in societal web application. Mobile presence service means maintain up-to day of the month presence information of all nomadic user. Presence information includes location, position, activity etc about the nomadic users. Each nomadic user has a list of friendââ¬â¢s list which we can name as buddy list. On the other manus, we can state that buddy list contains the contact information of the user he/she needs to pass on. Each nomadic user in the societal w eb application gets information about their on-line friends/buddies via the presence information. The nomadic userââ¬â¢s position is broadcast automatically to the buddy list whenever the user moves from one position to another. So presentment is an of import portion in societal web application. Most presence services use server bunch engineering, to maximise hunt velocity and minimise the presentment clip. The waiter involved in this communicating, keeps up-to day of the month path of all these presence information sing the nomadic user. There are so many issues in nomadic computer science. Some are deficient bandwidth, require careful usage of practical private web, cell phone signals may do wellness jobs, signal jobs during going, more power ingestion during less signal strength etc. In cosmopolitan nomadic telecommunication system ( UMTS ) , the presence service is performed by IP multimedia nucleus web subsystem ( IMS ) .Here a weak consistent scheme is used to cut down the presentment traffic. Hence presentment clip can be cut downing. Presentment clip means clip needed to advise the presence information to other users. Instantaneous message provides communicating ( online confab ) between two or more users over cyberspace. Microsoft courier, yahoo courier are some of the illustrations for the instant message. Overview of the available characteristics, maps, architecture, protocols used in these popular populace IM web are described. Besides discuss advantages and disadvantages of these IM webs. In societal web application an efficient and scalable server-to-server sheathing architecture called PresenceCloud is used to better the efficiency of nomadic presence services for large-scale societal web. A quorum-based server-to-server architecture is used for efficient buddy list seeking. The comparing consequence shows that PresenceCloud achieves public presentation additions without giving hunt satisfaction. Search satisfaction is defined as the clip it takes to seek for the geting userââ¬â¢s buddy list.II. Different engineeringsThis subdivision describes assorted method or engineerings used in different systems. Here, foremost describes about different characteristics and maps supported by three most popular IM systems: AIM, Microsoft MSN and Yahoo! Messenger. Second describes, in cosmopolitan nomadic telecommunication system ( UMTS ) web architecture, to cut down the presentment traffic a decrepit consistent strategy called delayed update can be used. Third describes about chord which provide a scalable peer-to-peer search service for internet application. Finally, an efficient and scalable waiter architecture called PresenceCloud is defined. In [ 6 ] describes different maps and characteristics of three IM systems such as AIM, Microsoft MSN and Yahoo Messenger. Instant messaging can be specify a public confab etc. In extra some provide file transportation, webcam use, voice confabs session etc. Here the writer comparing three IM systems ( AIM, Microsoft MSN and Yahoo Messenger ) .All of these IM systems uses client-server architecture. Supporting immense figure of user is an of import issue in these IM systems. Two methods are available: 1 is symmetric and other is asymmetric. Each waiter performs indistinguishable maps in symmetric method and in asymmetric method each waiter execute peculiar activity assigned to it like log in, detecting other users, maintain chat room etc. For normal operation AIM uses client-server architecture and for voice confabs session uses peer-to-peer attack. Therefore two clients communicate straight without utilizing a confab room. For normal and voice confabs YMSG uses client-server architecture. Through centralised voice chat server YMSG voice traffic is routed. One advantage of utilizing this attack is that within the same confab room it can back up multiple users and each user can stipulate their ain voice specification. For normal operation MSN uses client-server architecture and for voice confabs session uses peer-to-peer approach.MSN voice chat session is limited to two individuals. Most of the IM systems have techniques for keeping list of friends. They are called buddy list, allow list and block list. Buddy list contain peoples that a user demand to pass on and supervise their presence. Block list contains peoples that a user demand to barricade communicating with them, itââ¬â¢s besides called black list. Allow li st contains people that a user needs to pass on. MSN, AIM and YMSG contains buddy list and block list.MSN and AIM besides contain allow list. Many web protocols like TCP and IP have used binary representation of informations in byte order. Application bed protocol ( HTTP and SMTP ) have used text-based attack. The advantage of utilizing bye order is that it supports efficient usage of infinite in the web. The advantage of text-based attack is that the representation is closer to human position information and debugging is easier.AIM and YMSG utilizations binary representation for their header.AIM contains two-level binary representation called FLAP and SNAC packages. Fixed length heading and variable length day of the month in FLAP packages. SNAC packages are subtype of FLAP packages that contains fixes length Fieldss followed by a variable information constituent. Fig.1.AIM FLAP and SNAC package format YMSG has individual degree construction for fixed Fieldss followed by variable length Fig.2.YMSG package format One of the of import job in IM suppliers are user send informations at inordinate rate, inundation caused in the web because of useless traffic.TCP provide some protection mechanism against this through congestion control.AIM has a complex algorithm for solve this, but it has different rate ( rates are based on a clip window ) bounds based on message type. The user will be warned, if the client exceeds the rate and if this continues, the waiter will get down dropping message and will unplug the client. YMSG has a bound of three IM per seconds. Another method to minimise the burden is by acquiring rid of idle clients. Each system in IM maintains a keep-alive pulse message: the connexion may be terminated if the client does non supply pulse message or response to the question. In AIM the client must direct this keep-alive message in every minute to the waiter. YMSG contains two types of pulse petition: a primary and a secondary.MSN has client and waiter pulse message. In [ 7 ] paper, to cut down the presentment traffic a decrepit consistent scheme is used. In IP multimedia nucleus web subsystem ( IMS ) , the presence waiter is responsible for advising an authorised spectator of the updated presence information. Presence service provides service to entree other userââ¬â¢s presence information such as the user position, activities and so on. In cosmopolitan nomadic telecommunication system ( UMTS ) web architecture, a user with user equipment entree presence service in IMS. When the user provides information to the presence waiter, so user play the function as presentity and the user accesses other userââ¬â¢s information so it act as a spectator. In IMS, control signaling is carried out by call session control map ( CSCF ) .The presence service process is defined by 3rdcoevals partnership undertaking ( 3GPP ) The presence waiter instantly notifies other users in the contact, when the presence information of a user alterations. If the updates occur more often, so the figure of presentment messages increases. To cut down the presentment traffic a decrepit consistent strategy called delayed update can be used. In delayed update, when the presence waiter receives the updated presence information, the presence waiter starts a delayed timer with a period T. This period is called delayed threshold. Within the period T, if the presence information is updated, so old information is replaced by the new information. When the timer expires, the presence waiter notifies the spectator of the presence information. Therefore, the presentments for the updates in T are saved. In [ 8 ] mentioned about chord which provide a scalable peer-to-peer search service for internet application. A cardinal job that challenges peer-to-peer application is turn uping the node that store a peculiar information point. This paper presents a solution for this by showing chord. The chord provides one operation: given a key, it maps the cardinal onto a node.In peer-to-peer system, the application is distributed without any cardinal control, where the package running equivalent in functionality at each node. The corresponding node is responsible for hive awaying a value associated with the key. Chord uses hashing to delegate keys to allow chord nodes. Each chord node needs merely a few other nodes routing information. Because the routing tabular array is distributed to other nodes. If N-node presented in a system, so each node maintain information merely approximately O ( log N ) other nodes. The chord maintains its routing information as the nodes articulations and leaves a s ystem. In [ 9 ] paper, an efficient and scalable waiter architecture called PresenceCloud is defined. PresenceCloud solve the scalability job called buddy list hunt job. Buddy list hunt job can be defined as the scalability job occurs when presence service is overloaded with buddy hunt message. The PresenceCloud can be used to expeditiously question the system for buddy list hunt. In PresenceCloud design, it consists of three constituents: PresenceCloud waiter sheathing, one-hop caching scheme and directed buddy hunt. When the nomadic user get into the PresenceCloud, the user authenticate to the nomadic presence service. Then the nomadic user opens a TCP connexion to one of the presence waiter. The nomadic user sends a petition to the presence waiter for buddy list hunt. PresenceCloud returns the presence information of the brothers. PresenceCloud is based on grid-quorum system ( size is vn?vn. When a presence waiter joins into the PresenceCloud, it gets an Idaho in the grid and obtains its presence waiter list. Presence server node can take one column and one row of entries. This entry is called the presence waiter list. In the fig: 3, the figure of presence waiter n=9.The PresenceCloud is arranged in grid-quorum with v9?v9 size. The presence waiter node 8 has presence server list { 2,5,7,9 } and 3 has { 1,2,6,9 } . PresenceCloud uses a hoarding scheme to retroflex presence information of each user to better the efficiency of the searching operation. Each presence server node maintains presence information of the affiliated users. When the neighbour establishes a connexion to presence waiter, the cache is updated. When a presence waiter receives a query/request from the nomadic user, it can react non merely from the lucifers from its ain list, but besides provide lucifers from its caches. Fig:3 PresenceCloud Server Overlay The figure of presentment messages increases when the nomadic user often changes its presence information. This buddy list hunt job can be solved by utilizing an algorithm called directed buddy hunt algorithm. This algorithm uses bipartisan sheathing and one-hop caching scheme. This helps PresenceCloud to supply fleet responses for big figure of nomadic user. The algorithm is defined in [ 9 ] .III. ComparisonIn mesh based design, all the presence information at each node is replicated to other nodes. Hence its hunt cost is merely one message. In distributed hash tabular array ( chord based ) , no reproduction ; presence information of a user is merely stored in one presence waiter. Here, each brother must be searched one by one. In PresenceCloud, its hunts buddy list from ain node list and cache list. Besides notifies other users about the new presence information. Simulation consequence is mentioned in [ 9 ] .This paper shows graphical representation of their consequence. Findingss from that graphical representation are: ( I ) As the reaching rate of nomadic user additions, the figure of presence message is really low in PresenceCloud. Hence PresenceCloud outperforms all other design. ( two ) As the reaching rate of nomadic user additions, the mean seeking messages/user is low in PresenceCloud. That means PresenceCloud requires least message transmittal. ( three ) Average message transmittal of PresenceCloud additions bit by bit with the figure of presence waiter. ( four ) Average message transmittal of PresenceCloud is non impacted by the figure of brothers. When analysing hunt satisfaction in waiter architecture, the findings are ; ( I ) Buddy seeking latency grows with the figure of presence waiter in PresenceCloud. Here mesh-based design performs better. ( two ) When the figure of brothers additions, buddy hunt latency is really low in mesh-based design. but suffer to a great extent communicating cost.DecisionFrom the analysis and survey, itââ¬â¢s found that PresenceCloud achieves low hunt latency & A ; shows better public presentation than others. PresenceCloud solve brother list hunt job. Overall, PresenceCloud support a scalable nomadic presence service in big graduated table societal web services.Mentions[ 1 ] Facebook, hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 2 ] Twitter, hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 3 ] Buddycloud, hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 4 ] Google latitude, hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 5 ] Foursquare, hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 6 ] R. B. Jennings, E. M. Nahum, D. P. Olshefski, D. Saha, Z.-Y. Shae, and C. Waters, â⬠A survey of cyberspace blink of an eye messaging and confab protocol, â⬠IEEE Network, 2006. . [ 7 ] W.-E. Chen, Y.-B. Lin and R.-H. Liou, â⬠A weakly consistent strategy for ims presence service, â⬠IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communicationss, 2009. [ 8 ] I. Stoica, R. Morris, D. Karger, M. F. Kaashoek, and H. Balakrishnan, â⬠Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer search service for cyberspace, â⬠IEEE/ACM Tran. on Networking, 2003. [ 9 ] Chi-Jen Wu, Jan-Ming Ho ââ¬Å"A Scalable Server Architecture for Mobile Presence Services in Social Network Applications, â⬠IEEE minutess on nomadic computer science, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Diversity in the American Classrooms
The classrooms of the schools in the United States of America, especially for the public ones, may be considered as a box of M&Mââ¬â¢s or Skittles, where each student is of different ethnic background and comes from a culture different from the rest. The flooding and diversity of cultures in the classrooms may be due to the fact that the American System of Education seeks to educate the most number of people and to provide Western thoughts and theories. In addition to this, the American System of Education has proven its economic value by giving its graduates the edge among the rest.The excellence exuded by the universities and schools and America can be seen by their continuous grip on the top 10 rankings among the universities of the world. Out of the 10 top universities of the world, six are from the United States. These universities are Harvard University (1), Yale University (2), Princeton University (6), University of Chicago (7), California Institute of Technology (7), and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (10) (ââ¬Å"Top 400 Universitiesâ⬠).As said earlier, the economic value placed for the graduates of these universities is higher than the others and this would be a very strong advantage for the American System of Education. The fact that the best education could be found in the US paves the way for a higher quality in terms of human capital. The labor market of the American country is consequently filled with professionals coupled with the decent opportunities created by the economy. Thus, it can be said that the good education and sterling quality for the tertiary education can be a antecedent factor for a good pool of professionals for the firms.This becomes a factor in reducing the poverty rate for the country. The high demand for the American Education puts much pressure to pursue excellence. America is considered as the land of milk and honey by a lot of people (Soriano). In relation to this, the American dream matches the belief tha t America is the land of milk and honey. The American dream is the pursuit of material prosperity and where life is better and richer according to oneââ¬â¢s ability (ââ¬Å"What is the American Dream? â⬠). This has led to the influx of migration to the US by families and the subsequent rise for cultural diversity.This cultural diversity provides a huge benefit for several reasons. First, the classroom diversity enhances the classroom experience for both the students and the teachers. Aside from the day-to-day topics that the teacher or professor discusses and the facts presented by the textbook, the diversity in the classroom serves the purpose of learning through experience. One could learn from the various beliefs, traditions, principles, customs, and languages that the other cultures have (Vortemizzi). In a way, it gives the students learn ââ¬Å"extra thingsâ⬠without the stringent requirements of the educational setting.Their daily interaction with the other cultur es and the high frequency of such would create a higher level of exposure for both cultures. Likewise, the teachers also learn to manage the differences in each classroom and learns how to deal with a diverse group of students to become fully aware of an international setting. Second, the diversity of the classrooms in the American Educational System prepares the students for the international arena. When one achieves to excel and think global, interaction and communication with other cultures is inevitable.The primary problem that is often encountered in international communication is with regard to how messages are perceived by the receiver and is sometimes different from what the sender means. According to Habeck et al. , ââ¬Å"although the words are often the same, the meaning and unspoken assumptions can be very different, leading to misunderstanding and confusionâ⬠(86). However, with the exposure that the American classrooms bring to the students of different culture, t he problem would be minimized especially if the atmosphere inside the school is accommodating to the various cultures.Likewise, the teachers and the school administrators would be able to prepare for a varied setting and to be able to compete with the dynamic ways of the education sector. This would mean that there would be more chances that the enrollment rate would be higher since leeway is given for the acceptance of other cultures. The recognition of teachers and administrators of the different cultures provides for ââ¬Å"a comfortable learning situation in which to realize their educational goals and accomplishmentsâ⬠(Connors).Third, this kind of setting teaches the students to become aware of how flexibility, tolerance, respect, and acceptance is important for everyone. This is especially true for the case of young children in the pre-school where they are given the opportunities to be able to understand a different color than they have. This makes them prepared for fur ther challenges and also equips them with the value of acceptance and understanding. With this, the friction is reduced especially when one would enter the workplace.The workplace is considered to be a rather dynamic setting where an international labor market is starting to emerge and the need to deal with different cultures is increasing. There is also the claim that with the acceptance and respect for the different cultures, social stability could be preserved and crime and poverty will be prevented (ââ¬Å"Public Education in the United Statesâ⬠). Likewise, my personal experience with regard to interacting with different cultures and becoming aware that my culture is not the lone culture existing today has provided me with the chance to freely accept the whereabouts of a culturally diverse surrounding.This has also kept me more sensitive and aware of the other cultures and has helped me in the dealings and interactions I made with other people. For instance, my English clas s includes cultures of Asians, Middle East, Europeans, and Hispanic. I am able to adapt to this kind of setting for I am able to interact with them daily and understand their ways. With the foregoing discussion, it can be said that one benefit of the American system of education is its capability to accept various cultures and this provides benefits for both the students, the teachers, and the system itself.Works Cited Connors, Jeanne. ââ¬Å"Cultural Diversity in the Classroom: Reaching out to Native American Students. â⬠Setting the Stage: Opening with Influence. Aug. 1996. Habeck, Max, et al. After the Merger: Seven Rules for Successful Post-merger Integration. Great Britain: Prentice Hall, 2000. ââ¬Å"Public Education in the United States. â⬠Microsoftà ® Student 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2006. Soriano, Jaime N. The Land of Milk and Honey? 5 June 2005. Manila Times. 23 March 2008 [http://www. 50605car6. html]. ââ¬Å"Top 400 Universities. â⬠Quacquarelli Symonds. 23 March 2008 [http://www. topuniversities. com/worlduniversityrankings/results/2007/overall_rankings/top_400_universities/]. Vortemizzi, Julius. Diversity in American Schools. 22 March 2007. Stanza Ltd. 23 March 2008 [http://www. quazen. com/News/Opinions/Diversity-in-American-Schools. 19095]. ââ¬Å"What is the American Dream? â⬠19 December 2002. The Library of Congress. 23 March 2008 [http://lcweb2. loc. gov/learn/lessons/97/dream/thedream. html].
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A Note on Cheerleading Essay Example for Free
A Note on Cheerleading Essay ? Cheerleading. When you hear that word, what do you think about? Snobby, skinny blonde girls that have nothing else to do in life besides smile and wear short skirts? Well, when I hear that word, I think of confident, courageous and athletic young women who have a chance to be someone else on a gym floor. Cheerleading is full of so many opportunities! Iââ¬â¢ve been a cheerleader for four years and it has done so many things. But before that all happened, my life was just simple. I was nervous to talk in crowds, my face turned red when people wanted to speak to me, and I acted shy in many other ways. I wouldnââ¬â¢t say I was a nobody. I mean, I was a somebody, but just not a positive, talkative student who enjoyed attention. In 7th grade, signing up for cheerleading was a hassle. I didnââ¬â¢t want to sign up all by myself. So I convinced some of my friends to sign up with me. Unfortunately, they quit right before try-outs because they werenââ¬â¢t that interested anymore. So basically, I felt all by myself. But I hung on. I cheered all the cheers, chanted all the chants, stretched all the stretches, and jumped all the jumps. Cheerleading was fun. It changed my life in just three months. I felt as if I was ââ¬Å"coming out of my shell.â⬠But more was to come freshman year. Signing up for cheerleading in freshmanwas easy. But it was the wait for the season to actually start that was aggravating! Eventually, time slowly came by and it was , 2009, the first day of practice, and that was a wake-up call. There was a new, more professional coach, and only one girl from last year was back to be on the squad. So it was time to meet other people for a change and make more friends. New cheers were being taught from the captains of the High School Cheerleaders. Who knew that Iââ¬â¢d get the highest score in try-outs and become head captain? Well, I did, and a captain is supposed to lead everyone. Thatââ¬â¢s what let me be myself. I was able to help everyone understand what to do, when to do it, and stand in front of a crowd by having a different uniform than the other non-captains on the team. Games are my favorite. Just running onto the floor is a rush, and I plan to do that for at least four more years. Yes, I want to be on the High School Cheerleading squad! Iââ¬â¢m confident I will make it, and Iââ¬â¢m not scared to try. The high school coach has been to some of our practices and I could tell she was impressed. I guess I have to wait a year to see what she says. GO, BULLDOGS! As you can see, thereââ¬â¢s been a drastic before and after. Before, I was a shy girl who was just average. Now, Iââ¬â¢m a young woman who has a good sense of self-confidence! A Note on Cheerleading. (2017, Jan 21).
Friday, September 27, 2019
Virtual Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Virtual Teams - Essay Example In this regard, the current discourse aims to discuss how the dilemmas of teamwork might be intensified in a virtual team. Likewise, as one is considered a part of a virtual team, the essay also aims to address the dilemmas that apparently exist when class assignments need to be complied with. Dilemmas of Teamwork in Virtual Teams A group or team is normally composed of members with diverse demographic, geographic, cultural, educational, and socio-economic backgrounds, and interact with each other for a specified time frame. These members utilize specifically essential resources and methodologies to achieve explicitly defined goals. The traditional dilemmas of teamwork are: (1) propensities for conflicts due to differences in opinions; (2) miscommunication due to cultural and language barriers; (3) delegation and performance according to roles and responsibilities; and (4) resolving conflicts and managing overall performance. In the Management Study Guide, a comprehensive analysis of virtual teams is presented in terms of defining their advantages and disadvantages; as well as in comparing them with traditional teams (Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Teams, 2013; Cascio, 2000). From the information, it was disclosed that the very nature of virtual teams according to levels (individual, organizational, as well as societal) actually contribute to conflicts due to differences in opinions, as well as the roles and responsibilities they play in the organization. In addition, since organizations support diversity and recruit employees from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, there are more tendencies for virtual teams to encounter miscommunication due to language barriers. Likewise, virtual teams operate through a team leader, whose tasks were delegated by the assigned manager or supervisor. Further assigning responsibilities to team members, without comprehensive knowledge of their respective backgrounds and capabilites contributed to intensified chall enges. Finally, in virtual teams, the distance and varied time frames, make confict resolutions difficult. Managing the overall cohesiveness and performance of virtual team members are more difficult, as a result. . Concurrently, the disparity in geographic, cultural, socio-economic, and educational backgrounds of the members of virtual teams exacerbate potential challenges in terms of sustaining effective communication due to language barriers, distractions, disparities in time zones, and expertise or competencies on accomplishing the identified tasks. This dilemma could be intensified in the virtual team setting since the opportunity to accord immediate feedback and to resolve the dilemma through face-to-face interaction is not effectively provided due to the absence of authoritative leaders or managers who are instrumental in governance and effective management of a team. What dilemmas do you feel when you have to do class assignments as part of a team? In terms of class assignme nts that must be done as part of a team, in a virtual team setting, the dilemmas that are encountered are as follows: (1) insufficient time to get acquainted with each other during the group
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Market segmentation and marketing strategy Essay
Market segmentation and marketing strategy - Essay Example Moreover with the contest over whether the UK ought to approve the euro as its fiscal unit still very much on the list of items, the magnetism of discovering plus developing prospects within England, Scotland, and Wales in addition to Northern Ireland is apparent. The UK arts community also benefits from the economic prop up from bodies like that of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), which plays it role in supporting of the music industry within Government. Throughout its associations with industries privileged also the trade associations, the DCMS works all the way through the Secretary of State's Music Industry environment to recognize what the Government can do to perk up its trade and industry performance. Beside this kind of high profile assistance with prospective for expansion, there are quite a few other features that craft the UK as an attractive market for operations. These consist of: Subsequently to a year subjugated by noteworthy development within the R&B, garage plus dance genres all through the 1990s, pop along with rock are presently experiencing an undeniable restoration within the UK in addition to Europe. Prejudiced by the triumph of realism TV series like the Pop Idol also the BBC's Fame Academy, and the increasing passage in celebrity alert newsstand magazines, the UK pop manufacturers are banking in on the improved audience interest with a flood of solo artists and group acts, mainly marketed towards younger listeners. The enormously fashionable "contrived" pop action like the Girls Aloud plus Pop Idol 2002 winner Will Young might not be domestic names inside North America, however have topped the grid in the UK following grave television promotion These years the UK market is conquered by the "Big Five" marketable labels: worldwide, EMI, Warner, Sony/Columbia and BMG, which reciprocally differentiate just about 75% of record sales inside the world market plus 79% of the European market. The remaining 20-25% of sales comes up to from autonomous labels, which for the most division symbolize budding talent exterior to the ordinary. However even going just beneath typical radar discloses loads of artists who have preserved flourishing profiles within the UK for lots of years. The United Kingdom is a beyond doubt multicultural country, and this is imitated within the assortment of performances, venues plus celebrations on proffer both in main cities and minor centers. This eagerness for a variety of genres of music is what creates the UK to be such an imperative country for non conventional artists to stopover and split into. A progressively growing concentration within all
It is an exam question and I dont know what title will it have, Essay
It is an exam question and I dont know what title will it have, however the topic is called economic loss, focus on negligence misstatement - Essay Example A common thing in this regard has been that a loss-suffered party accuses its partner for incurring of the loss resulting in to legal disputes. There have been many instances for such legal cases some of which are discussed below. There have been various cases in the regard of economic losses that have arisen in because of negligence misstatements. Among such cases, Hedley Byrne & Co Ltd Vs Heller & Partners Ltd has been one of the most notables. The case is regarded as the tort law case which had occurred because of the negligent misstatement. Analysing the case it is observed that, Hedley Byrne was an advertising firm. The company had a new customer in lieu of Easipower Ltd. The recent customer put up a big order to the advertising company. Hedley Byrne became suspicious of the amount of the order and tried to ensure the financial viability of the client company. In order to do so, the advertising major called up their banks, National Provincial Bank, and asked for a report about the credit worthiness of Easipower Ltd from the clientââ¬â¢s bank named Heller & Partnerââ¬â¢s Ltd. The banker of the client replied to the National Provincial Bank and thereby to the Hedley Byrne stating that Easipower Ltd w as ââ¬Å"considered good for its ordinary business engagementsâ⬠. But an important point that had to be noted in analyzing the case was that the banker of the client, Heller & Partners Ltd also notified the reply saying ââ¬Å"without responsibility on the part of this bankâ⬠. Perceiving the financial credibility of Easipower Ltd to be perfect, Hedley Byrne went in to the deal with the company but soon Easipower Ltd went into liquidation. As a result, Hedley & Byrne lost a hopping amount of more than à £ 17,000. Hedley & Byrne, incurring the loss, sued the banker of Easipower Ltd on the grounds of negligence as the advertising company relied upon the statement of the bank. The other accusation was that of misleading information. The honourable court heard the case
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Summarise the main criticisms that Jane Jacobs levelled at urban Essay
Summarise the main criticisms that Jane Jacobs levelled at urban planning thought at the beginning of the 1960s, and discuss whether her criticisms are still relevant to planners today - Essay Example Jane Jacobs was particularly active in her role against the surge of urban renewal politics that emerged in the past-war period. She was of the view that modernist urban renewal measures destroyed cities rather than improving the social and economical conditions that needed to be addressed. In the post-war period, that is the period after the Second World War, there arose a need for the redevelopment of bombed cities. It was decided to rebuild them on an organized framework and proper planning. However, there arose many criticisms to the approach adopted by architects and engineers. The critique that Jacobs leveled at the renewal plan was normative in nature, emphasizing on the values of the planning rather than the physical design. One of her significant contributions is her perception of cities as ââ¬Å"problems of organized complexity,â⬠which entail ââ¬Å"dealing simultaneously with a sizeable number of factors which are interrelated into an organic wholeâ⬠(Jacobs 1992). One of the criticisms that Jacobs put across was the ideology of utopian comprehensiveness. In plan cities effectively and sustain the development plans, Jacobs saw the need to have an acute understanding of the way cities function. If city planners did not understand the lifestyles and needs of the residents, they would not be able to devise a plan that incorporated the needs of the community. Therefore she rejected the ideal models that emerged during post-war planning of towns and cities. According to Jacobs, Howardââ¬â¢s garden city model, and Le Corbusierââ¬â¢s vision of the city of the future and his radiant city did not explicitly illustrate a framework that fulfilled of the needs of the community and led to a more functional urban setting. Her argument was that modern city planners had little insight into the functioning of cities, their models can not
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Starting Up A Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Starting Up A Business - Essay Example In the current business world, many regulations have been put to ensure that good business practices are maintained. According to Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) (2004), such regulations include the Sarbanes-Oxley Act that was enacted to enhance corporate transparency that would reduce cases of fraud and corruption. Therefore conforming to these regulations will help the business to be more accountable for its actions and financial statements being more reliable. The business will gain public confidence if such regulations are complied with.However, the cost of conforming to these regulations may be a challenge to the business since it will be very costly. For example, conforming to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act will enhance transparency in the business and hence the public will have confidence in it. This may not be felt immediately and therefore the business will enjoy the benefits after some time, say three to five years. These regulations also have an effect on decision-making. This is because, fo r every decision made, it has to match the standards of the regulatory framework hindering the flexibility in decision-making. This paper has concluded that starting up a business venture may be a challenging task considering the formalities involved, finding a source of capital and conforming to the regulations in the business environment. Starting up a business involves many activities but also operating the business is another task that if not well coordinated, may lead to the low performance of the business.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Impact of African Slave Trading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Impact of African Slave Trading - Essay Example Thornton cites the example of the Ndongo war, which lasted from 1625 until 1655 in countering the traditionally held ideal that wars were strictly economical (Thornton 101). This war was fought over succession to the throne of Ndongo (Thornton 100) and can account for many of the Angolan slaves captured during this time (Thronton 101). ââ¬Å"Such wars, however, may well have been waged solely in order to acquire slaves even without the demands of Atlantic tradersâ⬠(Thornton 102). Thornton believes war and slavery were an accepted way of life in Africa, and as such would have continued without the European influence. However this is one simple example that does not explain the reasoning behind the multitude of other wars in Africa. He mentions that motives might appear to be economical when indeed they are political, but it seems impossible to believe that the knowledge of demand for slaves would not have affected the leaderââ¬â¢s decisions in initiating war with economic ga in in mind. While Thornton does acknowledge that there was a boost in the slavery market due to the European influence, he does not seem to acknowledge the depth of change the demand of the European traders must have had. It seems that with such a large demand for slaves, it would profoundly influence the economics of the African tribes. It would be exhaustive to attempt to catalog the actual number of slaves taken from Africa over such a long time period but we are able to look at isolated instances that illuminate the effects of the slave trade.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Horatio Algerââ¬â¢s Ragged Dick Essay Example for Free
Horatio Algerââ¬â¢s Ragged Dick Essay In the story of ââ¬Å"Ragged Dickâ⬠, Horatio Alger tells an inspirational story portraying a hero, Dick, to be the embodiment of individual opportunity in American culture. Dick gains mobility up the socioà economic ladder through his good virtue and dedication to higher education. Dick is an honest young ââ¬Å"blackà bootâ⬠with a secondà rate shared apartment and low vernacular. However, Dick is generous and industrious, while keeping a frugal stance as to know the value of a dollar. while en route of finding new work, a young boy falls into the east river, and the father swears great rewards to the rescuer. Dick, an excellent swimmer, dives off a ferry and saves the boy, without hearing of any reward. The father, a wealthy industrialist himself, rewards Dick by giving him a wellà paying job as a clerk at his office. Dick, now realizing his potential, has allowed himself a new name with his new career, signifying his upward climb on the ladder claiming that he is finally, ââ¬Å"cut off from the old vagabond life which he hoped never to resumeâ⬠and sealing his grip upon the American Dream. Algerââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"rags to richesâ⬠story contains valuable tools that can be used to motivate a personââ¬â¢s social psychology, itââ¬â¢s myths can be unrealistic which can lead a person to believe a dream that could be impossible to obtain. The example of valor, hard work, and initiative are concrete tools for oneââ¬â¢s toolbox, whereas relying only on gallantry can only go so far in our socioà economic world. First, you could just take a look into the professions throughout our economy. Art, literature, and education are thrown on the back burner as business degrees are the #1 funded, and sought after, sectors.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Democratization of Islamic Countries
Democratization of Islamic Countries Revolutionary events that engulfed a number of Arab countries in 2010 2011 (in the media, they were called the event Arab Spring), have introduced a wide range of radical changes in the political situation in the Middle East and for the whole region had far-reaching consequences. As a result of these events, instead of the authoritarian regimes in a number of countries came to power moderate Islamist forces (Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, An-Nahda in Tunisia), who set themselves the task of development in these countries regimes Islamic democracy , mainly due to the Turkish model. Moderate Islamists (the party Justice and Development) won the parliamentary elections in Morocco, the country that has remained a monarchy, but went to a certain democratization of their political institutions. In another country, the Arab Spring Libya as a result of the general democratic elections came to power liberal Alliance of National Forces. All of the above events led many experts to conclude tha t new prospects for democratization in the region, which eventually should lead to a homogenization of the Middle East into a single policy area, where the main role will be played by pro-Islamic democratic regimes. However, in other Arab countries such as Syria and Yemen, the event Arab Spring has not been so successful, because here they have exacerbated the internal contradictions and resulted in civil war. In 2013, the prospects for the development of Islamic democracy were at issue in Egypt, where on July 3 was a military revolt, which resulted in the management of Muslim Brotherhood was behind bars. Meanwhile, in late May, internal political situation deteriorated and in a relatively stable until now Turkey. All these events have reopened the debate on an issue that worries experts in recent years: whether moderate Islamic regimes to stay in power and to bring democracy and stability in the political process in the Middle East?Or region again waiting for the dominance of authoritarian rule and civil war?Unfortunately, experts forecasts are not as optimistic as it was a few years ago, because it is clear that the risk of political instability poses a serious threat to many countries in the region. Over 2011-2012, it was possible to observe how the democratic reforms in the countries of the Arab Spring began to gradually become a reality. In particular, in the elections to the Peoples Assembly, the lower house of parliament in Egypt, which lasted more than 2 months, won a landslide victory moderate Islamic Freedom and Justice Party, which is the political wing of the Islamist movement Muslim Brotherhood. For this political force voted about 47% of voters. In the upper house of the Egyptian Parliament, the Advisory Council, it took another 105 members of this party. It is not surprising that the presidential elections held in Egypt in May-June 2012 he was elected leader of the country the candidate of freedom and justice S. Mursi, collected in the second round, more than half of all votes. Fortunately events developed for the Islamists in Tunisia. Here in the parliamentary elections, which took place in October 2011, won a landslide victory moderate Islamic party Ennahda, for which voted 41% of voters. According to the results of the election, the Prime Minister was elected General Secretary of the party H. Dzhebali. Overall, as a result of the impact of the Arab Spring, the democratic process and intensified in a number of other Arab countries of the Greater Middle East. In particular, parliamentary elections were held in February 2012 in Kuwait, where Islamists have received 34 of the 50 parliamentary seats. In Algeria, the countrys parliamentary elections took place in May 2012. They moderate Islamists (Green Algeria Alliance), although a small number of votes received (48 of 426 seats in parliament), but they have been admitted to the election authority and thus were included in the political process. Party moderate Islamic orientation are also a number of other Islamic countries, in particular: The movement of the Islamic Action in Jordan, AK Party building in Libya, Hamas in Palestine, the party Justice and Development in Morocco and others. Unfortunately, all of the successes of new Islamic democracy were thwarted further developments. Since the revolutions of the Arab Spring has passed about two years, but the situation in these countries is still unstable. In particular, in Libya armed fighting between militants of various revolutionary brigades, carried out the attacks and armed attacks on government offices. In Egypt, mass demonstrations by the secular opposition led by the National Salvation Front led to bloody clashes with supporters of Islamist and began to threaten to escalate into civil war, resulting in power in the country again into their own hands took the military. In Syria still ongoing civil war which resulted in the already killed more than 100,000 people. But the main thing that became restless and exemplary country of Islamic democracy Turkey. May 28 at Taksim Square in Istanbul began a peaceful demonstration, which later resulted in the massive anti-government riots that swept a number of Turkish ci ties. On the streets of Turkish cities came mainly supporters of the Turkish secular parties and opponents of gradual Islamization of the country, who demanded the resignation of the leader of the Islamist Erdogan and Islamic forces removal from power. It is clear that all the events are not some spontaneous actions, they have deep historical roots. In general, the main difficulties faced by Islamic democracy, are as follows: The first problem is related to the existence of a deep split in most Islamic societies through secularism / Sharia. This split has developed historically: the processes of modernization, which covered most Muslim societies in the twentieth century, contributed to the formation of a new elite focused on the Western model of development. The latter, which is concentrated mainly in the cities, took an active part in the updated state institutions andbecome their mainstay. At the same time, another hourPart of society remained a supporter of traditional Islamic values. As a consequence, there was a split society through peripherals (province, traditional) and the center (urban, modern). Dissatisfied with existing secular regime organized in the Islamic movement and the beginning of democratization in the Islamic parties. 1980-1990 were the years of revival and the triumph of political Islam in Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria. However, in defense of secular regimes in these countries have beco me military, led to some curtailment of democratic processes. Now another round of such aggravation we see in Turkey, where the secular circles opposed the policy of the ruling Islamic party Justice and Development aimed at the Islamization of the country as well as in Egypt, where the secular parties and the military opposed the president S. Mursi. The second problem is related to the existence of a difficult socio-economic situation, which is observed in most of the Arab Spring. Experts believe that one of the most important factors in the success of democracy is to ensure an adequate level of economic development, which, unfortunately, is not present at a number of Islamic revolutionary countries. The emergence of civil society and democracy can not be there where people need to think about their vital necessities of life. In this context, the economic problems of Egypt, which in no way failed to weaken the government S. Mursi proved to be a factor that contributed to the exit of people on the street. The third problem is characterized by the existence in Muslim societies of the whole complex of inter-clan, inter-faith and inter-ethnic conflicts. Society of the Middle East have a pretty motley composition, because they consist of various religious groups (such as Syria, Iraq and Lebanon), the various ethnic and tribal groups (such as Libya and Yemen), patrimonial clans, etc. As part of an authoritarian regime, all these groups are under government control. But in the case of destabilization of the political situation, they actively intervene in the political struggle for power and tend to inflame tribal and religious struggle, which could result in civil war. In particular, in Syria faced the interests of a number of different groups: Shiite Muslims, Sunni Muslims, Kurds, Christians. Fourth obstacle to the development of democracy in Islamic countries stands stratum military circles that actively interfere in the internal political processes in their countries. The armys role in politics in the Middle East has always been significant. Military circles mainly act on the side of the secular community in their struggle against political Islam. In Egypt, the secular army positions were greatly strengthened by General G. Naserom that from 1952 to 1970 led the country. The armed forces in Turkey and have always played an important role in the political life of the country. Prospects for democratization of Islamic countries Arab Spring There are historical experience shows that any significant shocks and abrupt changes in the policies of individual countries are becoming a significant catalyst for peoples activity, pushing it to the protest. Free elections bring to the surface of the political forces that are most consistent with the interests of the masses. It is not surprising that such forces in the countries of the Arab Spring in the first place were the Islamists. But the imposition of its policies mainly towards realization of the Sharia inevitably leads to the emergence of opposition from secular circles and has the effect of further destabilization of the situation in a particular country. The level of this risk is not the same for all countries. It depends on many factors: the duration and nature of the tensions in society, especially the political groups that came to power, the state of the economy, etc But in any case it must be assumed that the current realities in countries emerging from popular uprisings and armed insurgencies characterized by imbalance and threaten to destabilize the political regimes in violation of inner balance. And this can happen in case of problems in the economy and the exacerbation of social problems. In Egypt, there was just such a situation. The revolutionary events and changes in the political regime drew deeper roots of general economic frustration, which was due to too straightforward strategy for market development in the context of significant lack of resources and numerous imbalances in the economy. The revolution led to a further decline in living standards and an increase in the number of unemployed. S. Mursi government failed to stabilize the situation, not of an economic success of the policy of Islamization of the country has caused discontent among a significant number of Egyptians and forced the military to take over power in their hands. Given recent events, the democratization of Egypt in the future looks pretty controversial. Most likely, military forces will continue to try to control the situation in the country. Tunisia, which all States Arab Spring looks most promising in terms of the development of democracy, is now also going through difficult times. Killing one of the leaders of the opposition Sh. Belaida caused outrage among many people. And after the military mutiny July 3, 2013 in neighboring Egypt guide Tunisia announced the introduction in the country for 3 months of emergency. Still among the Muslim countries in the region, the most successful looks Turkey. But much depends on the leadership of the ruling Islamic party Justice and Development. If its leaders will provide a balanced internal policies, taking into account the interests of minorities, including secular circles, the forecast further development of democracy in the country is positive. If the countrys leaders will ignore the interests of the minority, the country may also threaten political destabilization. Considering the broader context of the prospects for democratization of Islamic countries, it should be noted that some of the Arab world as a whole immune to political change. Saudi Arabia is undoubtedly the most striking example, when an authoritarian regime operates without any obstacles. Similarly, in other Gulf countries authoritarian regimes seem strong enough and immutable. Despite the existence of substantial domestic opposition, the events of the Arab Spring almost no impact on Iran. Local authoritarian regime seems to be safe, at least in the medium term. With regard to Iraq, after the withdrawal of US troops, the situation looks increasingly fragile and weak in the face of the fragmentation of the state. Undoubtedly, the war of 2003 and continued US military presence in Iraq has not led to the desired Americans democratic change, but on the contrary, caused a further aggravation of internal problems.
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